Are you financially
Take this survey to measure your financial anxiety and compare yourself to the rest of Quebeckers.
The survey takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Your answers will be kept confidential. We do not store any data that can identify you.
What your current score means
No anxiety
Mild anxiety
Moderate anxiety
Severe anxiety
80 +
Extreme anxiety
Are you concerned about your anxiety level?
- Visit or call 2-1-1 for information about Greater Montreal’s social and community resources.
- Food assistance
- Housing assistance
- Mental health
For a free budget consultation
- Contact the ACEF in your neighbourhood Consult the list of ACEFs in the Greater Montreal area here.
Discover the
financial anxiety
of quebeckers
Twice a year, Centraide of Greater Montreal and Leger conduct a survey of Quebecers to find out how their concerns about their financial situation are changing. Discover the results of the most recent survey published in April 2024.
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