Given the housing crisis in Greater Montreal and the alarming increase in visible homelessness, Centraide is firmly committed to tackling these two critical issues. For example, Centraide invited partners to the Together for Housing event to come up with sustainable solutions to this problem. Centraide also swiftly responded to the perfect storm of homelessness by...
Homelessness in a perfect storm
People experiencing homelessness are being hit hard by the 5th COVID wave sweeping through Greater Montreal due to the Omicron...
Many Greater Montreal agencies supported by donations to Centraide
By Mark Stachiew Publishing date: October 22, 2021 - Like many mothers with small children, Shannon Simpson struggled with the...
The impact of the pandemic on the elderly
On the occasion of International Day of Older Persons1, Centraide of Greater Montreal is taking the pulse of some of...
With Meals on Wheels, even seniors living alone eat well
Although he’s always been in a good financial and social situation, Jean-Claude now relies on the help of the Centre...
Integrate into society and get through hard times
Before finding the Val-Martin Community Center, Chihab, originally from Morocco, struggled to fit in. With the support of the centre,...
Socialize to break the isolation of stay-at-home moms
Mélanie manages a household of seven children. In her busy life as a stay-at-home mom, socializing at the Maison de...
Give immigrants a chance to integrate into society
As a female politician, Gloriose was forced to flee her home in Burundi as it plunged into crisis. When she...
Summer camps during the pandemic
Great news for young people and families in Greater Montreal: Summer camps reopened on June 28. This is a welcome...
A home that creates family ties
A pioneer in its field in Quebec that was founded in 1992, the Maison des Grands-Parents de Villeray fosters intergenerational...
J’me fais une place en garderie: An agency that strengthens the family fabric
Parents in Greater Montreal have had to adapt and get creative when it comes to caring for their children during...