Given the housing crisis in Greater Montreal and the alarming increase in visible homelessness, Centraide is firmly committed to tackling these two critical issues. For example, Centraide invited partners to the Together for Housing event to come up with sustainable solutions to this problem. Centraide also swiftly responded to the perfect storm of homelessness by...
A fresh start to build a better life for her son
Dalia moved out of her family’s home and headed for Montreal when she was still a teenager. “I was 17...
Back-to-school season presents many challenges for vulnerable populations
As the school year approaches, vulnerable people and families in the Greater Montreal area face multiple stressors: inflation, kids falling...
A fun, educational summer for young Allophones in Montreal
This summer, nearly 600 Allophone students in primary and secondary school on the Island of Montreal are taking part in...
A Post-Pandemic Deep Dive into Motivation and Academic Success
At the start of the health crisis in March 2020, we assumed, based on the expertise of the community agencies...
A new school year, the same inequality: Challenges for young Montrealers
All kids are back to school, but they don’t all face the same challenges. School continues to be a place...
Back to school gets hard when everything costs more
Les dépenses liées à la rentrée scolaire n’échappent pas à l’inflation galopante. Qu’il s’agisse du prix des fournitures scolaires, des...
A safety net for families
Known as “family houses” or family community agencies, these centres are found in most Greater Montreal neighbourhoods. Some examples include...
The pandemic has hit teens hard
Nearly half of the 12- to 25-year-olds1 asked about their mental health in a January 2021 survey reported worrying signs...
Street workers now intervene in the virtual world
Centraide of Greater Montreal is proud to support Travail de rue Île-de-Laval (TRIL), whose mission is to provide a safe...
7 strategies to give kids the best possible start
For Early Childhood Week, we are voicing our strong support for our partners who strive to make early childhood a...