Planned giving donors are people who not only contribute to the annual campaign but also support Centraide’s mission over the long term, for example, by leaving a gift in their will, donating a life insurance policy, or creating an endowment fund. Once realized, these valuable contributions will be invested in the Generations Fund.
By choosing to make a planned gift, these individuals become members of the Generations’ Circle as a way of thanking them and honouring their commitment to the future generations of the Greater Montreal community.
Benefits of making a planned donation include:
Passing on your values of sharing and generosity.
Investing to fight poverty and social exclusion.
Providing sustainable income so that Centraide can fulfill its mission long into the future.
Gifts received from estates, life insurance policies and other forms of planned giving, including assets received to build the capital of an endowment fund, can be capitalized in the Generations Fund.
These donations are invested responsibly to support Centraide of Greater Montreal and ensure its continuity. The committee responsible for these investments ensures that environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are integrated into the investment process, and advises Centraide on its impact investment approach.
Build up
a legacy that makes a difference
Planned gifts, whether through a will or a life insurance policy, offer a flexible and beneficial way to support important causes while reducing the tax burden on an estate. In these videos, explore the various legacy options and learn how to maximize your philanthropic impact with Centraide of Greater Montreal, while helping the most vulnerable people.
Donating Your Life Insurance Policy
How to Make a Donation Through Your Will?
Our annual Centraide donation is a way for us to meet the current needs of our community. Our planned gift is different; it is a way to endow our contribution, thus ensuring that the living conditions for future generations continue to improve, while supporting the betterment of our great city of Montreal as its needs change in the future. When we were young, anonymous donors provided generous support that covered Mitch’s tuition. This opportunity came with a moral obligation that we are more than happy to fulfill: giving back to future generations so that they too get the chance to realize their dreams. Our planned gift is our way of thanking society for the good fortune and the opportunities we had.”
We are currently going through a difficult period, which has had a major impact on inequality in Greater Montreal. In this climate of uncertainty, Centraide has been proactive and fast to react, quickly raising and allocating funds to key agencies and providing targeted aid to the vulnerable populations that have been most affected by the crisis. This agility and expertise motivated me to create a bequest in my will for Centraide so that future generations will also be able to benefit from its presence in Greater Montreal. A great way to do our part is to help reduce inequality in the cities we love and live in, even after we’re gone.”
We both grew up around people who taught us to be humble in our success—which is a result of not only hard work and sacrifice, but also circumstance. There’s a lot of luck in there, too. As adults, we discovered philanthropy thanks to our professional network, which is very involved in the community.”
I know I have been privileged. I was born in a prosperous country, into a well-to-do family… and I had parents who taught me early on that living as we did wasn’t exactly common. But the most valuable gifts my parents gave me were an education and an open-minded perspective, which helped open my eyes to the inequalities that still prevail in our society. This is why I have chosen to donate a portion of my estate to Centraide. By doing this, I can be assured that my legacy will be reinvested fairly throughout our community according to the needs of each region, hoping this philanthropic contribution can help to decrease social disparity.”
When choosing Centraide, I had a lot of confidence in knowing they have been a key actor in our community for a long time and will be there for the long-term helping to address the most pressing needs of people facing poverty and social exclusion. We have so much faith in the organization, and we know that it’s going to help such a broad range of people in our communities.”
Needs are enormous and constantly increasing. It’s important for me to contribute to Centraide for the long term as its mission is so vast and it helps both individuals and agencies. I realized over time that my annual contributions would stop once I passed away. I therefore decided to leave a gift in my will to continue my commitment to these agencies and support their essential role.”
We’ve been fortunate in life, and we feel it’s only right to share some of our good fortune to ensure others can enjoy the same opportunities. Choosing Centraide for our planned gift means we can feel confident our money will help the greatest number of people by being redistributed among several smaller, targeted agencies.”
Thank you to the members of the generations’ circle!
This directory presents all the Generations’ Circle members who wish to have their name published. Find out by filtering your search by name.
Maud Doualan
Isabelle Marcoux, C.M.
Cloé Lépine
Marie-Lise Lirette
62 anonymous donors
Marie-Claude Langlois
Sheila Usher
Tania Dupont and Éric Michaud
Denis Baillargeon
Jacques Rioux
Pierre Corriveau
Heather and Jonathan Powers
Includes the list of donors who have made a planned gift, the list of all gifts from estates for which an individual made a gift to Centraide in his or her will or named Centraide as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, as well as the list of donors who made a significant gift.
In addition to listing the essential steps to preparing a will, this guide will help you start thinking about how you want to divide up your estate, start discussions with your loved ones, clarify your desires, and make some important choices.