Community agencies
and projects
that fight poverty and social exclusion
As a public foundation, Centraide is proud to help support the operating costs of community agencies that act to create an inclusive and poverty-free Greater Montreal.
Centraide financially supports and works with:

- Local and regional community agencies that work in the social sector and that include rights advocacy and protection organizations as well as summer camps.
- Neighbourhood roundtables and other multisectoral and multi-network bodies (i.e. community, municipal, education, cultural, business, citizen or other bodies) that bring people together to improve living conditions in their territory.
- Local or regional collective initiatives carried out by multiple agencies that come together to solve a problem or meet a shared goal.
The agencies supported by Centraide must also meet the following criteria:
- Be registered as a not-for-profit organization (NPO).
- Be incorporated and recognized as a charity (have a registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency).1
- Offer services and activities within the territory served by Centraide of Greater Montreal (national, regional and provincial agencies must have an independent and representative division within Centraide’s territory, i.e., Greater Montreal).
- Be controlled by a board of directors composed of volunteers who are representative of the community it serves.
- Not have any affiliation or declared ties with any religious or political group of any kind.2
- Promote citizen participation and volunteer involvement within the agency.
- Carry out activities that meet the agency evaluation criteria and that are in line with our strategic orientations
Agencies in the following areas are not eligible for Centraide’s financial support:
- Agencies working in physical health (including medical research), Environment, International cooperation
- Cultural activities (concerts, exhibitions, choirs, etc.)
- Sports or strictly recreational activities (field hockey teams, ski clubs, sports shows, etc.)
- Events, symposia and conferences
1. Under certain conditions, Centraide may grant financial support to agencies that are not recognized as charitable organizations if they provide social services to populations experiencing poverty and social exclusion..
2. Support for specific purposes may be given to an agency whose mission has a religious component.
Commitments of Centraide and its supported agencies
Centraide’s relationship with the agencies it supports is a collaborative one more than it is a contractual one.
As a result, both parties work to help mitigate social problems in communities.
Join our network of agencies
If your agency is interested in collaborating with Centraide, you can indicate your interest by filling out the form below.